Endeavors of the Old World

        An exasperating struggle, cruelly resisting into a decade of devaluation of people half a hemisphere away. Eloquent arrogance and procrastination led the culminating evidence upon the parliament old. “The empire that never sets” they were called. Magnificent, representative occupation was their method of reign, and their claim to world power of the day. The foremost in ecclesiastical, governmental, militarist, and technological – heritage of royalty would soon see it’s imperfections by extreme ignorance of authority. It’s global sway of foreign territories astonishes the world to this day, considering the proportionately-insignificant geography.
        The persisting remains of monarchy are perceived more comically in modern circles. “where is the deep, passionate, heroic patriotism of the citizens of nations?” one calls out. “Where are the loyal servants of the one everlasting King in this technologically-advanced age of 21st century Earth?” It is the character then, of individuals, adhering to an absolute Supreme ruler, who rules by consent of the governed: internally and personally. The radical, epic, gargantuan endeavors of the old world can belong to our generation again – if faith we restore as our wholistic lifestyle.